The ObjectsNarratedProject aims to understand how women create a meaningful totality by keeping and cherishing certain objects in their homes. In order to make this phenomenon public, the project team interviewed with 6 women until now and made video records of them in their domestic environments. The narrativisation of objects which is suggested within the framework of this project is based on the idea that the self and the object are the same unified narrative and “the way people talk about their objects (i)s a way of talking about their lives, selves and experiences.” (1) Spoken accounts of connected events offer us a possibility to understand how the objects are perceived by their users or keepers, and what they might mean to them. “Like narratives, objects have a power in social settings: they offer interpretation of the story of their existence: they give back echoes of their past.” Here, within the framework of ObjectNarratedProject, an approach considering objects as forms of text is pursued which "allows the 'reader' to interpret within their own frames of reference. (2)



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